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Hunting Guidelines
Mahoosuc Land Trust welcomes hunters to many of our properties.
MLT supports the region’s rich tradition of respectful public use of private land for recreation, including hunting. Some properties do not allow hunting due to restrictions imposed by donors of the land, and special restrictions may apply to properties due to proximity to residences and other safety concerns. Please review the rules and details below, and call or email us with any questions.

Rules and Details:
All state and local laws must be followed. Links below.
Shooting across established trails is prohibited.
Prior written permission is required to place a deer stand.
Use of nails, screws, or screw-in steps are not permitted.
Stands must be labeled with your name and contact information.
Stands may be placed one month prior to opening day and must be removed within one month of the end of hunting season.
Any stands placed on the property outside of that timeframe will be removed without notice.
We recommend the use of non-lead ammunition. Lead-free ammunition is a requirement to hunt on Flint Mountain Wildlands.
Motorized vehicles are not allowed for hunting.
Target shooting is prohibited on all our properties.
A free permit is required to hunt on Flint Mountain Wildlands. Request permit here.
Maine Hunting Laws & Rules
New Hampshire Hunting Laws & Rules

Before hunting on MLT land, please read the following carefully:
Androscoggin River Islands
-Hunting is allowed on island lands owned by MLT.
Androscoggin River Landings
-River landings are small, recreational access points for kayaks, canoes, and drift boats.
-Hunting is prohibited.
Crooked River Headwaters (Greenwood to Bethel)
-Hunting is allowed following all laws and regulations. Bear bait, bear traps and bear hunting with dogs are not permitted. Landowner notification required for tree stand use and the stand must include the name of the hunter.
-Guide services are not permitted without written permission.
Flint Mountain Wildlands (Albany Township) Free Permit Required
-Some Hunting is allowed, including deer and game bird hunting.
-Moose hunting is forbidden. Predator hunting, including bear, is forbidden. -Trapping and snaring are forbidden.
-Request free Flint Mountain Wildlands hunting permit here.
-Shooting across MLT trails is prohibited.
Glassface Ledges Conservation Area (Rumford Center)
-Hunting is allowed in the Glassface Ledges Conservation Area. The hiking trail to the Ledges is used throughout the year.
-Shooting across MLT trails is prohibited.
Intervale Gateway (Bethel)
-Hunting is prohibited on the Intervale Gateway property due to proximity to residences and public roads.
Rumford Whitecap Mountain Preserve (including Ellis River Conservation Area and “Lots 36 and 37”), Rumford
-Hunting is allowed, and guaranteed as a condition of funding from the Land for Maine’s Future program. The hiking trails are used throughout the year.
-Shooting across MLT trails is prohibited.
Scruton Family Tree Farm (Upton)
-Hunting is allowed on the Scruton Family Tree Farm.
Shelburne Riverlands (Shelburne, New Hampshire)
-Hunting is allowed on the Shelburne Riverlands
-Shelburne Riverlands is located entirely within the state of New Hampshire. Follow all local and NH state laws.
-Hunting access is guaranteed as a condition of funding from the NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP).
-Shooting across MLT trails is prohibited.
Stewart Family Preserve (Top of Puzzle Mountain, Newry)
-Hunting is allowed on the Stewart Family Preserve.
-The first 2 miles of the Grafton Loop Trail from Route 26 is not on MLT land, and permission is required from the landowners. The hiking trails are used throughout the year. Shooting across MLT trails is prohibited.
Valentine Farm (Bethel) and McCoy-Chapman Forest (Gilead, Newry, Bethel)
Grantor restrictions in the transfers of both of these properties prohibit hunting.
Habitat for All

Special note regarding conservation easement properties:
MLT holds conservation easements on lands other than the above properties. These are owned by other landowners, who control access to their lands and should be contacted directly for access permissions.

All properties owned by MLT
Special conditions may apply. If you have a question about a property owned by MLT that is not on the above list, please contact us at 207-824-3806 or
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