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HFA Garden

Pollinators may be our planet's most ecologically and economically important group of animals. The ethos behind designing the garden and planting in it centers on supporting pollinators. Birds, bees, and butterflies are critical to the cycle of floral pollination, and food sourcing that most of the world’s wildlife and over 250,000 wild flowering plants rely on.

There are over 70 species of flowers in the garden. Each brings unique features — color, structure, nectar, pollen, bloom period, and more.
We chose the plants in the garden to attract monarchs and other native pollinators to help them at every stage of their lives—from egg to caterpillar to adult.
We chose the plants in the garden to attract monarchs and other native pollinators to help them at every stage of their lives—from egg to caterpillar to adult.

Birds are everywhere, and can draw us in with their beautiful colors and songs and often provide lifelong connections with nature.
The Habitat For All birding program offers an eclectic mix of speakers and bird walks for birders and bird enthusiasts of all skill levels.
Once you spark your interest in birding, you’ll quickly find it leads to a passion for their role in pollination and the eco-system, and concern for their well-being and habitat conservation.
The Habitat For All birding program offers an eclectic mix of speakers and bird walks for birders and bird enthusiasts of all skill levels.
Once you spark your interest in birding, you’ll quickly find it leads to a passion for their role in pollination and the eco-system, and concern for their well-being and habitat conservation.
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