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Habitat for all Birding

HFA Garden
Why A Focus on Birds?

Birds are everywhere and familiar to all. They draw us in with their beautiful colors and songs and often provide lifelong connections with nature. Interest in birds often evolves into concern for their well-being and ultimately support for habitat conservation.


The Habitat For All birding program offers an eclectic mix of speakers, webinars and bird walks for birders and bird enthusiasts of all skill levels. To learn more, visit our calendar of events.
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Birds at
Valentine Farm

See the list of birds entered into eBird
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Do you know the birds at Valentine Farm?

Brochures for our self-guided birding trail are available at the kiosk at Valentine Farm

Motus Wildlife Tracking Tower

In the fall of 2022, a Motus Wildlife Tracking Tower was erected on the lower field at Valentine Farm. This tower is part of a global network of automated telemetry receiving stations coordinated by Bird Studies Canada. Stations detect unique, Morse code-like signals from tiny radio tags that all transmit on the same frequency and can be deployed on birds, bats, and even large insects. This new technology makes it possible to identify migration routes, stopover areas, and wintering locations for small animals whose travels have been impossible to study at a landscape scale.
To learn more, visit the Motus website and this page to see what tagged birds have flown over Valentine Farm.

Part of recreating on this land means protecting it too. Before heading out on any adventure on conserved trails or boat launches, familiarize yourself with land usage etiquette and rules.

PO Box 981, Bethel, Maine 04217 •
162 North Road, Bethel | 207.824.3806



© Mahoosuc Land Trust, All rights reserved.

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